Friday, October 30, 2009

Taylor's Halloween Pick

So I'd been trying to convince Taylor to be a fireman for halloween, it's a no go. Today he told me he wants to be a scary, black ghost with scary eyes and scary ears you can't see. I looked up "black ghost" on google and showed Taylor this pic. his reply" Yes mama yes, that's what I want!"


What mormon mom dresses her 3 YEAR OLD in this?

**Edited: thankfully we got to the store and the motorcyle cheap plastic helmet swayed him! Crisis averted!**

Hodge Podge

Is that how you spell that?

Random thoughts and ideas and whatever comes at me right now at 12:10:

1. I LOVE my guilty pleasures... The OC(thank you Sara and Emily), Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice.

I know there's some sleaze in there, and admitting you have a problem is the first step right??? At the end of the night (or in the middle of the day when the boys are driving me crazy) completely vegging out to those shows MAKES MY DAY!!!

**Remember what Christ said about throwing the first stone...:)

2. My boys are LOTS of fun.

3. MBA school is a drag right now- well for me. Matt is gone lots and we really miss him.

4. I'm grateful for bubble bath and glow sticks- these things keep my boys entertained forever in the bath!

5. I can still fit into my prom dress from my junior year in high school- I'm proud. Granted, I'm not THAT far removed from my junior year, but I have had two kids.

6. Trying to work out sucks, but if I want #5 to ever happen again, I better keep it up.

7. I kinda miss SC??!!

8. We're moving in 15 days. I can't wait. I haven't really settled in here, and I have lots of ideas of what I am going to do once we move.

I think that's all.

Monday, October 5, 2009

So far my favorite housing ad has been this one:

Manufactured double wide home. located in quiet cold a sack. come by and c 4 urself.

It took me FOREVER to figure out what a cold a sack was.