Thursday, July 1, 2010

Working Out

So Matt and I are on week 5 of P90X- don't worry, we won't show you our before and after pictures! Taylor loves it and wants to work out with us every morning with his own bands. The other day he kept bugging me to work out so I put on the DVD for him. The boys are working on their 6-pack. (At least I can do a little better than Brayden!)

I know there are a lot here but I laugh everytime I see each one so I couldn't leave them out!

Brayden doing bicycles

Crunchie Frog

V-Up Roll-up Combo

Push Ups (Brayden wanted a turn)


Lant Family said...

I just left a comment and I don't think it saved, but just incase here is comment #2! Those videos are funny and cute. Way to go in p90x--I hear it is killer.

Stacie Aho said...

Those rock!! MJ loves to workout with us too. His favorite is yoga and ab ripper x. I love Taylor's crunchy frog! Haha.

You guys are serious with your push up bars and all! I am so weak... I still have to be on my knees for most of them.

Come visit next weekend!