Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do I have to count it against us?

We're in the middle of potty-training, actually I'm hoping a little more towards the end of it than the beginning... but here's my question:

Twice Brayden has been nakie and I've found him with #2 hanging from his bottom, since it never hit the floor and I didn't have to clean anything up, do I have to count that as an accident?

Ok, so maybe we're a little closer to the beginning stages than I would like to believe.


Unknown said...

I say no accident if he got to the potty, or was put there. Spencer on the other hand, came downstairs, and told me he had pooped ... yep sure thing! It was awesome to find that. :) We are fully fledge in it too. Isn't it awesome. ;)

Stacie Aho said...

Oh my goodness! That is hilarious! Turtle neckin' it!