Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Try Again

Baby boy was trying to stay just 'baby' and would not move his little legs even with some tough prodding by the ultrasound technician. She had me get up, move around, go to the bathroom and try again. Thankfully that worked. When she said, "you know what that is, it's a BOY!" Taylor said, "humph." He's been wanting twins, but if he couldn't have twins he had said he wanted it to be a boy. Afterwards I was talking to him about how exciting it will be to have another boy he responded with "She should have said GIRL."

In his little four year old mind, he thinks the technician got to pick the gender... and she picked WRONG! So cute! Hopefully the idea will grow on him.
No reason for the blurry picture- just two of my cute boys after baths the other night.


Stacie Aho said...

I love that picture! Darling of your two boys.

Emily Jones said...

Christian felt the same way at our ultrasound when he found out we were having a girl. Those doctors are cruel, I tell ya!

Jenny said...

awww, that's pretty cute.