Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This weekend will mark our 7th move in 6 years and 363 days of marriage. Hopefully this one will stick for at least two years. Wish us luck!


Suz said...

where are you moving to?

Stacie Aho said...

Good luck! I'll be right there with ya unpacking next week. (Well, not physically there... I wish!). We can whine together.

Kara said...

Good luck! Moving is such a drag...hope you can stay put for a while.

Ben and Summer said...

Lori, that is crazy! Are you just moving to a different house in the same place, or did you guys get a different job? Good luck either way!

Lisa and Mark said...

Ugh! I hate moving!! Where are ou guys headed to now?

Ashley DeMille said...

Wow! I won't feel sorry for myself anymore! WE just moved 2 weeks ago and it was so hard!!! Where are you going?

joanna wilde said...

Oh Goodness, I feel you-we're right there with you. Although, I hope our current abode doesn't last 2 more years. ;-)Good luck to you - that would be fantastic! You make Michigan look pretty fun!