Friday, September 3, 2010

rewind: NYC part 1

JetBlue has headquarters in both Salt lake City and new york. When Matt first interviewed with JetBlue we thought we might be in NYC for the summer. We ended up staying in Utah, but they did want him to work out there for a week. It finally worked out and we went to NYC right after Taylor's birthday. Matt flew out that night at midnight and the boys and I left the next morning.

I flew the boys to San Fransisco to play the Matt's parents. We got in around 11:30 in the morning and my NYC flight took off that night at 11:00. It was a red eye and thankfully I can fall asleep anywhere!

We had a blast in NYC. Matt of course worked so I got to tour everything and anything I wanted. By the end of my trip I was a whiz at the subway and could find my way around pretty good.

I got to NYC at 6:30 Thursday morning and already the city was alive. i got off the subway around the Rockefeller Center and started walking. That morning I walked about 6 miles all over the city- it was so fun to take in the sites that way! I made my way down the the Museum of Natural History and I could have spent all day there! I only spent four hours- but I could've stayed forever. Matt had the camera so sadly I don't have any picture from there!

I went and showered and then met Matt for dinner and a show. We weren't going to pay for one of the good shows, and even the scalpers had higher prices than we were willing to pay. Thankfully a friend at JetBlue pulled some strings and got us free tickets to Chicago. Not knowing much about it but excited to see a show we went.

Well- not the best, moral uplifting story line but the voices were good! On our way out of the show We hung out with Justin Timberlake- oh, wait, and about 1,000 other people.

He was there shooting his movie Friends with Benefits in Time Square. We watched for a little while and then had to get home to start another day of site-seeing.

The Ferris Wheel in Toys R US

On Friday I got a slow start... I hung out with a friend from Provo who was in NY for their internship and finally made my way over to the Guggenheim. Not my favorite. There were some very artistic (read strange to me) pieces there. I'm glad I went and I'm really glad I had a free ticket for the audio tour. It helped me at least understand what the artists was trying to capture... whether I appreciated it or not.
Since we were already on that side of the country we figured we should check out Boston so Matt met me at the airport and we got on a flight to Boston Friday afternoon. We had dinner at a great French place in Boston and then met two of Matt's classmates for ice cream.


telisha said...

When Nate and I went to Guggenheim we thought the same thing. Kinda weird. Can't believe Taylor's 4 either...We do the same thing celebrating family/friend birthday parties, just the other way around :)

Lant Family said...

So fun that you were able to have a little vacation without the kids. You are rocking those skinny jeans! Your look great. I don't think I am brave enough to give those a go. Happy Birthday to Taylor! Lucy had fun looking at all the pictures and recognized superwhy right away.